One of the most entertaining clubs ever made for children has been discovered by more than a million kids worldwide. The Adventurer Club offers weekly activities tailored to the psychological requirements of children in the 4–9 age range, strengthening parent–child bonds while also giving parents the chance to gain parenting expertise and take part in fun activities with their kids.

The volunteer leadership participates in specialized training sessions to learn how to best utilize the Adventurer Club’s focus on fostering parent-child relationships and helping both parents and children comprehend their relationship with God.

Each child is encouraged to participate in all activities and parents/guardians are given assignments along with their child. There are many age-challenging activities on the Adventurer menu. These range from games and outdoor activities to nature exploration and family camping, field trips and community service projects. A five level age-specific curriculum is used along with approximately 80 specialized award areas of crafts, nature, recreation, spiritual development and home arts.

Class “A” Uniform for the Adventurer boy and girl; Class “A” Uniform for Adventurer Staff; Class “A” Uniform for Adventurer Staff; Field Uniform (Type B); INSIGNIA PLACEMENT

Adventurer Teachers Resources Manual; Adventurer-Pledge-law-song-lyrics; Adventurer Logo Brand Book; Adventurer Administrative Manual; Adventurer Award Book

Adventurer Curriculum: There are four levels in the Adventurer program. Prekindergarteners are intended for the Little Lamb level. Kindergarteners are intended for the Early Bird level. For first-graders, the Busy Bee level has been created. The second-grade Sunbeam level. For third-graders, The Builder the fourth-grade Helping Hand level. Each level builds on the one before it and is specifically created to pique attention, present a challenge, and provide…

The Adventurer pledge: serve as a regular reminder of the importance of striving for excellence and as a spoken commitment to work toward this goal.

Theme song for Adventurers

Club Ministries Updates

Philosophy: The Adventurer Club is a Seventh-day Adventist church- sponsored ministry open to all children ages 4-9, in which the church, home and school join together to help children grow joyfully in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. The Adventurer Club is offered to assist parents in making the development of…

Each child is encouraged to participate in all activities and parents/guardians are given assignments along with their child. There are many age-challenging activities on the Adventurer menu. These range from games and outdoor activities to nature exploration and family camping, field trips and community service projects. A five level age-specific curriculum is used along with…

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